diagene laboratories inc. (CH-4153 Reinach, Switzerland) is a worldwide operating company (GmbH) in providing compre-hensive molecular and pharmacogenomics services as well as genetic tests to improve patient care.
diagene laboratories inc. is organized under two divisions, Routine Laboratories and Research Laboratories, with offices in Switzerland (CH-4153 Reinach, Switzerland) and Germany (D-79539 Lörrach, Germany).
diagene is a member of the European Molecular Genetics Quality Network and is specialized on the diagnostics of inherited disorders and the genetic predisposition for specific diseases such as e.g. cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative or metabolic diseases in adults.
Founded in 1999, diagene is leading in the diagnostics of familial forms of high cholesterol (familial hypercholesterolemia, familial-defective apolipopro-tein B-100, familial dysbetalipoproteinemia, familial combined hyperlipid-emia, Lp(a) elevation, etc.). Besides a large series of genetic analyses, diagene offers also biochemical and daily routine laboratory analyses. Recently, several new gene test have been introduced, one of them for the prediction, of severe side efffects of antiretroviral treatment of patients with HIV, another for the diagnosis of the long qt syndrome.
A large number of university laboratories, hospitals as well as physicians all over Europe are customers of diagene. The research laboratories at diagene carry out all types of biomedical research projects from basic research project (e.g. gene regulation, population genetic research projects) to clinical research projects (phase 2-4 studies) and offer a highly sophisticated statistical evaluation of the results, including e.g. multivariate modeling or epidemiologic and population genetic approaches.
In addition, diagene is involved in the organization of large multicenter scientific studies and is a reference laboratory, particularly for complicated genetic and biochemical analyses
Prof. André R. Miserez, M.D.
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1993 - 1996
1994 - 2014
1997 - 2002
1997 - 2002
1997 - 2003
2002 - ongoing
2004 - 2007
2011 - ongoing
2014 - ongoing
Postdoc, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (TX), USA (MS Brown, JL Goldstein, HH Hobbs)
Head, MED PED Program (Program for familial hypercholesterolemia, endorsed by the WHO)
Head, Cardiovascular Risk Clinics, University Hospital Basel, University Basel, SCORE A-Grant SNF
Head, Cardiovascular Genetics, Institute of Genetics and Biochemistry, University Basel
Head, Cardiovascular Risk Clinics, Medical University Clinics Bruderholz, University of Basel
Chairman & CEO, diagene Research Institute
President, Protective Medicine Foundation
Chairman & CEO, diascreen scientific
President, Swiss Society for Familial Forms of Hypercholesterolemia
Support for Basic Research Projects:
The DIAMOND project as well as the SAPPHIRE-Lp(a) project were supported by Sanofi Switzerland
Prizes and Affiliations:
Winner of the New Entrepreneurs in Technology and Science (NETS) Prize of the Gebert-Rüf Foundation (2001)
Winner of a Swiss Clinicians Opting for Research (SCORE): A Prize of the Swiss National Science Foundation (1997 - 2002)
Member of the International World Health Organization (WHO) Advisory Board for Familial Hypercholesterolemia
http://www.who.int/genomics/publications/en/ [3]
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Coordinator of the Make Early Diagnosis - Prevent Early Death (MED PED) Program in Switzerland
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Head, Cardiovascular Risk Clinics, Basel University Hospital Bruderholz