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Routine Services


  EDTA Monovette
  EDTA Vacutainer
Tubes and shipping material are provided by diagene on request.
For genetic tests, please use EDTA whole blood tubes.
For the use of the correct tubes, please refer to our test menu on this website or our order form. EDTA tubes


Samples should be sent to us immediately after blood taking.  
We accept samples arriving between Monday 8 am and Saturday 5 pm.    
Samples arriving before 5 pm will be further processed the same day.    


"A-Post" mailing, mail express

Priority mail
Europe: overnight mail services (e.g. FEDEX, UPS), mail express Logo FEDEX
Worldwide: overnight mail services (e.g. FEDEX, UPS),, mail express


Whole blood for DNA analyses (do not centrifugate, do not freeze) should be received by our laboratories within three days following blood taking. Do not centrifuge
Do not freeze
We accept mouth brushes or DNA already extracted by other laboratories in most cases. Please contact us before sending these samples